Today, Hoshana raba, is the final day on which we will recite Psalm 27 during this cycle of holidays. Additionally, it is the last day on which we are commanded to take up the four species. I cannot help but have a bit of sadness for what is the beginning of the end of a period of intensive self-evaluation, judgment, happiness, and everything in between. As the liturgy shifts back to the more routine, the farewell to the feelings and experiences mentioned should continue to inspire our practices and our t'fillot. Psalm 27 will always be available to us, it is not exclusive to this season, in that we are unable to access it during any other time. Similarly, the piyutim and closeness with God during prayer should be an ongoing project, not one that is limited to a fraction of the year. The closeness is unique, but drawing the closeness into the year is the challenge. I wish everybody a chag sameach, a year of many brachot, and I look forward to continuing to discussing many aspects of t'fillah with you.
Chag sameach!
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